About me

 Hi guys, 

My name is Jelena Mitrovic and I am originally from Novi Sad, Serbia. From my previous experiences I figured it would be good if I explained on that a little bit more since not a lot of people know of Serbia. Serbia is a little country in Southeastern and Central Europe. Currently, I am living in Corvallis, Oregon to which I moved to 4 years ago when I got a chance to play basketball and study at the same time. 

I am majoring in kinesiology with the possible minor in nutrition. The main reason why I chose to study kinesiology is because of my big love for basketball and sports in general. I wanted to relate my degree to basketball and to stay involved in sports even when I am done playing basketball professionally. So, as you can probably tell, my career goal is to continue playing basketball after finishing college. After being done with that I would like to focus on sports performance and injury rehab among athletes. 

An interesting fact about me is that I am 6'8" and that I am probably the tallest girl in my country as you can tell from the pictures above 😂

Lastly, the main reason I use online communication is to stay in contact with all of my friends and family who are in Serbia. This is the way I connect with them and share the news from my life. 

