Online Arguments 

  1. Why did you choose this online argument for your assignment? 
    I chose this argument because it's a very common topic and it affects me and my life in a way. I am a female athlete who plays basketball and wants to go professional one day, so the topic of inequality among professional athletes affects me in many different ways. I've been around many people who don't support female sports without any argument to back them up. So, focusing on a topic like this and online argument like this is always interesting and eye opening. We can learn a lot from this about people, but also possibly get ideas on how to fix the issue. 

2. Provide 3 negative examples and concerns you have with this online argument.
    Firstly, my biggest concern is that most of the people who post these negative comments don't have any knowledge about female sports and they are just commenting because they know it will go viral since this topic is very interesting to people nowadays. 
    Secondly, it is very usual that people who hate on successful people no matter their gender are just unhappy individuals whose biggest success are online arguments on twitter. These people's only job is to hate others online. 
    Thirdly, I know from my own experience, that these people say things like this online only from their fake profiles. They would never face these athletes with the same attitude because they are scared of reactions. 
So, in conclusion, it would be different if a person said something negative but provided factual explaining and showed that they know what they are talking about. However, it is a concern if a person is posting something negative just so that they can post something. This means that the issue they have is much bigger than sports inequality (insecurity, lack of confidence, hate towards the other gender and so on). 

3. Create 5 rules for how people should argue online correctly.
1. Think before you post something. 
2. Don't post if you are frustrated or angry, wait a little bit. 
3. Don't insult someone based on their appearance, this is just rude and not necessary. If you are arguing online, focus just on the topic. 
4. Make sure you inform yourself about the topic before posting. 
5. It's important to know when to stop. 
