
Showing posts from November, 2022

Online Arguments

Image  Why did you choose this online argument for your assignment?       I chose this argument because it's a very common topic and it affects me and my life in a way. I am a female athlete who plays basketball and wants to go professional one day, so the topic of inequality among professional athletes affects me in many different ways. I've been around many people who don't support female sports without any argument to back them up. So, focusing on a topic like this and online argument like this is always interesting and eye opening. We can learn a lot from this about people, but also possibly get ideas on how to fix the issue.  2.   Provide 3 negative examples and concerns you have with this online argument.      Firstly, my biggest concern is that most of  the people who post these negative comments don't have any knowledge about female sports and they are just commenting becaus

Toulmin Method

  Toulmin Method represents the systematic technique that is used to analyze the logic of every argument  (Green, 2022, p.315). This method was developed by philosopher Stephen Toulmin in 1958. This method breaks arguments down into 5 component parts. These 5 elements are: claims, evidence, warrant, qualifier and rebuttal.      Claims - statement of opinion that the author is asking her or his audience to accept as true.       Evidence - the facts, data, or reasoning upon which the claim is based.       Warrant - bridge/link between claims and evidence.      Qualifier - limits or qualifiers the claim (Green, 2022, p.317). It adds strength to claims because they help the audience understand the author does not expect her or his opinion to be true all of the time.       Rebuttal - a statement that shows that the writer has anticipated counterarguments and diffused them by showing their flaws (Green, 2022, p.318). This is the part in which the author addresses the opposing views. Link to

Research Podcast

  For this week's blog post I've chosen to focus on the podcast that I found on Apple iTunes. This podcast is by Communication Guys and it is called Dealing with Conflicts Before they Become Conflicts. The podcast provides us with useful tips that can help you prevent your private and workplace relationships. The main focus of the podcast is to become aware of how you can deal with conflicts before they become conflicts.  Communication Guys mentioned that conflicts occur when one person walks away from problems within their relationship. People tend to avoid these issues until they all stuff together and explode. Once it has exploded, it is much harder to deal with it and it is likely that more and more problems from the past will come up to the surface.  There are 5 important tips included in this podcast that have positively impacted my understanding of communication and opened my eyes when it comes to dealing with issues in all different kinds of relationships whether that i

The Battle For Public Opinion

  How has social media played a role in the 2020 civil rights movement and protests?       Social media is a huge part of everyone's life and information about certain topics gets to us no matter if we want to hear about them or not. I think that this has both positive and negative sides to it. When it comes to 2020 and everything that has happened throughout that year, there was a lot of detail that we needed to hear about but nobody would present it in the news or on the television. Social media played a huge role in this case because it presented what was actually going on without censorship. All of the coverage across social media platforms was eye opening for many people. Since information was shared really fast on social media, more and more people were aware which led to protests all around the world. These protests were with the goal of making a change that was and still is very much needed.      I thought it would be great to share with the whole class a quote I found on t